HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. HCG is created from the placenta when a person is pregnant. HCG helps you to lose weight by stimulating the weight-loss breakdown of fat in the body. By increasing your HCG content, you increase the rate in which your body burns fat.
Should I take HCG drops or Injections?
The answer to this question entirely depends on what you are looking for. For example, drops can be taken at any point, and are easy to administer. However, they will not last as long as injections. Injections require knowledge of where to inject and may cost more for the equipment.
How Do I Use HCG And What Is The Dosage?
You can take HCG in either drop or injection form as discussed above. The amount …show more content…
This includes things like legumes, artichokes, beets, potatoes, carrots, yams, water chestnuts, bananas, tangerines, grapes, mangos, prunes, and potatoes. In addition to reducing starch from your diet, be sure to bottom out your sugar consumption during this period as well.
What should I eat when taking HCG Drops?
The dietary restraints are listed in guides written for HCG drops. While following a similar set of guidelines, each one will have specific recommendations based on what they have found to work.
Can I consume vitamins supplements with the diet?
It is recommended that you consume B12 with the diet. The B12 helps to reduce the risk of suddenly gaining weight after the diet is complete.
Can I take other drugs during the program?
B12 is highly recommended while you are on the program. For other drugs, you may want to read the guides provided. If you are still uncertain, then check with your doctor before beginning to ensure that complications will be kept at a minimum.
What are the prohibitions when implementing the diet?
Typically, after the high fat phase, you will enter a low calorie diet. The low calorie phase requires you consume 500 calories a day. There are prohibitions on foods with starches and