Question: Should illegal immigrants be made legal citizens?
Topic 1: Pull factors
Topic 2: process of naturalization
Topic 1: Pull Factors
Mexican Revolution- worked in the U.S. to escape violence
Immigration continued since people were traveling back and forth
Lack of Jobs in the U.S. during WWII- Bracero Program (Mexican workers were allowed to legally work in the United States)
Concerns about the influx of undocumented workers, so they ended the guest worker program
Decline in Mexican economy caused many laborers to look for jobs in the United States hoping to fix their financial problems
Immigration Reform and Control Act- granted amnesty to immigrants but also control immigration laws
2013-immigration charges jumped over 45% with many more cases
Deportations are …show more content…
“Immigration from Mexico to the United States, 1900 to Present.” Encyclopedia of Latin America, Vol. 4, Facts On File, 2013. Modern World History, immigrants. Accessed Oct. 2017
Leonard, Thomas M. “Immigration from Mexico to the United States, 1900 to Present.” Encyclopedia of Latin America, Vol. 4, Facts On File, 2013. Modern World History, immigrants. Accessed Oct. 2017
Grossman, Mark. “Immigration, United States.” Encyclopedia of the Interwar Years, Facts On File, 2000. Modern World History, immigrants. Accessed Oct. 2017.
Kohn, George Childs. “Immigration Act of 1965, U.S.” Dictionary of Historic Documents, Revised Edition, Facts On File, 2003. Modern World History, Accessed Dec. 2017.
Citizenship. Compton's by Britannica, 2011, SIRS Discoverer,
Lacey, Marc. "Scenes from the Border." New York Times Upfront, Jan, 2012, pp. 18+, SIRS Discoverer,