By its very nature of the principles in which it was founded, America, more than any other country on the face of the planet, has opened its borders for those in search of opportunities and promises of the “American Dream.” Every day, America welcomes millions of newcomers around the world, and many take advantage of this privilege because the United States has provided many immigrants with a variety of life options that they may not have had in other nations, such as educational resources. For example, “Saudi Arabia, the most profoundly gender-segregated nation on Earth,” has played a major role in women inequality (Gorney 1). Women, in particular, are not even given the opportunity to drive cars and be allowed to vote. Meanwhile, in the United States, women are flying planes and running for office. Thus, many Saudi Arabian women tend to choose to study abroad or seek asylum in the United States. “As of 2013 approximately 1.02 million immigrants from the Middle East including the nation of Saudi Arabia, have resided in the United States to become doctors,” showing that they did indeed obtain the American Dream ( Zong and Batalova). In addition, Americans believe that congress must pass a law that puts a ban on immigrants for the safety of its citizens, but if this so happens to be passed, “it will go …show more content…
Those who argue against immigration do not realize the benefits and will never come to realize it, which is why the debate over immigration in the United States will be a concern for many years to come. Whatever one’s view is, it is critically important to understand the benefits illegal immigrants bring to this country. Therefore, America must allow millions of illegal immigrants to continue living within its borders because this nation was founded on immigrants, they strengthen the economy of the United States, and help shape the face of America for the better good. The blend of cultures is what makes the grand nation unique, a nation of people who value tradition and freedom for all beings. As a nation of immigrants “we must remember that the generations of immigrants that came from every corner of the world have helped lay down railroads, build our cities, and fuel our economy” ( Furman and Gray). For Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence said “We the people were born with unalienable rights,” rights many illegal immigrants dream of obtaining as they set foot in the promised land known as the United States of