people to get exiled in present day since most lands are claimed by different countries, it would require that the country exiling someone would need the agreement of the other country in order to exile them there. This is because when a country exiles someone they require that you have a place ready for them to be exiled to in order for it to work out correctly, and the country doesn’t end up deporting them back(Caution). So if all the people that come to us on a yearly bases are truly exiles then what would that say about the country they are coming from, does that country have enough time on their hands to be working on the agreement to send hundreds of thousands of people to countries, and to be able to maintain that agreement without breaking it is kinda difficult. In 2015 alone the United States hit a new record of 42.1 million in the second quarter of the year. This ends up making 13.3% of the United States total population, and about 44% of that is Mexican immigrants. The amount of immigrants that are coming from Mexico are about 740,000 coming into the United States(Zeigler). If we really wished to reduce the amount of immigrants coming into America, the answer is not in a wall to stop them entirely, but instead the answer could be in just a better understanding of what the Statue of Liberty purpose. If the wall was to be built then this would not allow people who are actual exiles to be able to come into the United States thus this would break the meaning of the Statue of Liberty. While immigration does need to have stricter force to it, that does not mean that we have to completely stop immigrants from coming into America. When Donald Trump first brought the idea of the wall up he claimed “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.”, but that is not the point of the Statue of Liberty’s meaning. We are not suppose to be receiving the best of the best from other countries we are suppose to be helping the worst to be the best. The way that this wall is being approached on what its purpose is, is a complete contradiction to what the Statue of Liberty stands for. If this wall is created then what policy would we follow about what immigrants should be let in, do we follow the elitist ways of Donald Trump’s wall, or do we stand with the Statue of Liberty as a beacon for country exiles. What impact do immigrants make to us as citizens living in the United States? To the stereotypical American they come into here illegally and take our jobs working for a dollar per hour, but in actuality they are completely different than they believe. Immigrants do not affect jobs and wages in the ways the most people think they do, they follow the same guidelines that any other American has when they are applying for a job(Passy). If an economy is not ready to handle an increase in population and supply jobs for the newcomers then the economy is mainly to blame for not taking advantage of their opportune work force. Areas with a strong economy would be able to look immigration as a chance to grow the economy even more than it already is. When someone moves into a new area the first thing they would try to do is find a job that they can make a living on, they do not always only take the low paying jobs that are located in the area, but instead they even sometimes take the jobs that most Americans would not even dare look at. Immigration is a matter that can be viewed in multiple ways, and ways to solve it is the same condition.
The United States though is known as the melting pot of culture, and for us to put up a wall and stop immigration would cause us not to be that melting pot anymore. So instead of building this wall we should look to revise our meaning in the Statue of Liberty and make it to where we truly understand its meaning so we can reduce the number of immigrants that are coming in while also being able to maintain the purpose of the Mother of Exiles. Immigration was something that we wanted before, but now it is an issue that some people want to