People who smoke are risking their health but at the same time second hand smoke is just as bad. Second hand smoke is smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others. People that smoke around other people are literally giving other them cancer or a higher risk of getting it. It is important to prevent this for better health. It lessens air population and helps out the environment if people don't smoke anywhere they wanted too. The possibility of fires happening decreases. Lit cigarettes are dangerous and millions of them are dropped on the floor every single day from non smokers. It could prevent wildfires and other types of fires. The annual waste would be lesser and lesser each year if smoking was prohibited in more places. Streets would be cleaner and living environments wouldn't be at risk of fires. Prohibiting smoking in restaurants would ensure clean and good food preparation. It would decrease energy use for ventilation in restaurants. It would probably reduce the spending on cigarettes. Some countries have completely banned smoking in public places, public transports, and workplaces. These countries are Ireland, UK, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta, Spain, and Hungary. The U.S needs to be one of these countries that completely ban smoking in public places. Also the smell of the cigarettes for many people is unbearable. You would not want to be smelling that every time you leave your house to go out somewhere. So as a final decision, we are in favor of outlawing smoking in public places so that we can have cleaner air, less of a risk of getting sick/cancer diseases, and just avoid having that been seen by younger child, influencing them in a bad way. Smoking is bad and we need to put a stop to it
People who smoke are risking their health but at the same time second hand smoke is just as bad. Second hand smoke is smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco being smoked by others. People that smoke around other people are literally giving other them cancer or a higher risk of getting it. It is important to prevent this for better health. It lessens air population and helps out the environment if people don't smoke anywhere they wanted too. The possibility of fires happening decreases. Lit cigarettes are dangerous and millions of them are dropped on the floor every single day from non smokers. It could prevent wildfires and other types of fires. The annual waste would be lesser and lesser each year if smoking was prohibited in more places. Streets would be cleaner and living environments wouldn't be at risk of fires. Prohibiting smoking in restaurants would ensure clean and good food preparation. It would decrease energy use for ventilation in restaurants. It would probably reduce the spending on cigarettes. Some countries have completely banned smoking in public places, public transports, and workplaces. These countries are Ireland, UK, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta, Spain, and Hungary. The U.S needs to be one of these countries that completely ban smoking in public places. Also the smell of the cigarettes for many people is unbearable. You would not want to be smelling that every time you leave your house to go out somewhere. So as a final decision, we are in favor of outlawing smoking in public places so that we can have cleaner air, less of a risk of getting sick/cancer diseases, and just avoid having that been seen by younger child, influencing them in a bad way. Smoking is bad and we need to put a stop to it