Do you think high school and middle school students should be receiving iPads instead of books? Textbooks have been played an instrumental role in society’s success, ever since school was invented we needed ways to find information and textbooks have always been there. Now with the world moving forward in terms of technology, obviously there are going to be some new inventions. However, the question is do we really need to use the inventions? Why all of a sudden are schools now having the need to replace everything that has helped millions and millions of kids with their education? Now just to be clear, I am not knocking the iPads down or anything, I think it is a very useful invention, but it is not needed …show more content…
There are pros and a cons and people will use it to however they want it to. I still think having iPads in schools is a bad idea because it initiates laziness and students will not care. The Board of education says that they are saving money, but in reality they will be using more money because they have to pay for each iPad, and with that the apps and warranty will be essential. Also, the board of education would also need to update the software whenever a new version comes out which also costs money. In Los Angeles, students have already lost their rights to the iPads for breaking through the firewall security and going of Facebook and You Tube. However, I could be wrong and the iPads actually improves our education and students have an easier time accessing new information. I mean based on the experiment done by Basham and his colleagues, the iPad enhances the learning ability of students when compared to doing work on worksheets. The students responded better to their iPads and its learning style rather than the work that was on the worksheet. Even teachers have said that they liked the iPad because students were more involved and it helped them learn faster. It all depends on how everyone thinks, there is no right or wrong answer. Also to be clear, I am not saying that iPads should never be allowed but right now is not the right