Kids who learn young know how to drive better than older adults. Younger kids have better eye sight plus better reflexes when it comes to adults. There isn't no difference between 15 and 16. It gives the kids a year early to learn how to drive. Every state should allow 15 year olds to get their permit. Some states already allow 15 year olds to drive.
Parents should allow their kids to get their permit and license at 15 years of age. Beginner drivers should learn the rules of the road.
Others don’t want their kids out getting hurt. But I think everyone even 15 year olds should be taught not to text and drive because it is dangerous. People say that it should stay at 16, but 15 year olds have better …show more content…
Remember It can wait. When they start to drive they will be nervous, it's good to be a little nervous because driving is dangerous especially on wet roads. If you start to slide turn right and it should correct the issue. Other don’t want their kids to get hurt.
Kids should learn even more about danger about on the open road. If you’re a beginner driver stay on roads that you have rode on before. Stay off intersections and
[Last Name] 2 major highways. Calm yourself while driving and don’t let distractions. Distraction can cause wrecks or accidents. Stay off your phone and be careful on the open roads. Kids should be taught in the event of an accident.
So with this information kids should be allowed to get their permit at 15. If they are taught about the dangers of the road. The dangers of other drivers. And lastly the great responsibilities of being able to drive. Kids should have strict teachers because of the dangers on the road. Some kids who wear glasses should have a eye test before they get their permit. To make sure that they can see other cars from far away. Next time your on the road think of 15 year olds on the open