The legalization of marijuana is a subject that has been debated for many years. Some advocate the use of the drug for medical purposes, whereas others believe it should be decriminalized for recreational use, and we cannot forget those who are simply against the use of the drug on a whole. Some states have altered laws decreasing the penalties associated with marijuana use and possession, and many more are considering getting on board. Eric A Voth wrote an article “Should Marijuana be Legalized as a Medicine?, No it's Dangerous and Addictive.” The title of the article clearly demonstrates where Voth stands on the matter. Mr.Voth's compelling article rejects the …show more content…
Voth makes some good arguments in his article rebuking the promotion that marijuana is a folk medicine miracle which is being kept from the ill because of administrative and Governmental influence. For example He exclaims " let us not forget that medicine in the earlier years was fraught with potions and remedies. Many of these were absolutely useless or even harmful to unsuspecting subjects." His initiative tossed out the arguments of his opponents. He continues to say that "Pro marijuana individuals have to consider that the historical uses of marijuana for …show more content…
He tries to prove that the chronic use of marijuana can have negative effects. Mr. Eric Voth argues that "the more chronic the use, as would be necessary for treating diseases such as glaucoma and cancer, the higher the risk of mental problems". "Mental and behavioral changes are the most easily recognized consequences of marijuana use" (Hamid 50). Voth left me to question, what if marijuana were legal, I assume there would be strong incentives to develop further technologies for the separation of undesirable from desirable components of the drug. Also we must consider the numerous amounts of readily available over the counter drugs as well as prescription drugs that pose great negative side effects, such as drugs that can cause a deadly heart attack or stroke, which have been seen in patients who take the hypertension treatment drugs Atenolol or Beta blockers. We should then ban the use of these and deem them