One of the major negative effects of overpopulation is a food shortage. Food is very essential for human being. When the population increases the government cannot provide enough food. People need to eat balance nutrition at least three times a day but today most of people in developing country get food once a day or they cannot get that much food. For that reason they get sick easily, especially children. For instance, so many parents and children died each day by starvation in the third worded countries. According to How Many. Org,”One billion people, one out of every seven people alive, go to bed hungry. Every day, 25,000 people die of malnutrition and hunger-related diseases. Almost18, 000 of them are children under five.” (“Overpopulation”.) The parents are not able to feed their own children for the reason that the food is too expensive.
Another major negative effect of overpopulation is economical difficulties. Increased population brings a number of economical problems. Countries with overpopulation have plenty of unemployed, that evilest big problem for people. “To swell even further the ranks of the 15-24 group of unemployed, creating still more social ills!”(Kuo). The government is not able to create enough job for ever inebriating population . So many people, who live in
Cited: Howard Hu, et al. "Impacts Of Climate Change On Public Health In India: Future Research Directions." Environmental Health Perspectives 119.6 (2011): 765-770. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. How Many? Org. overpopulation Environmental and Social Problems, n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. <>. Kuo, Gioietta. "Megacrisis? Overpopulation Is The Problem." World Future Review 4.3 (2012): 23-32. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.