The use of nuclear energy should be allowed to continue for many reasons such as nuclear energy is cleaner and safe when handled properly. An example of where nuclear energy is cleaner than other forms of energy such as coal-burning is in how the energy or heat is produced in the plants. In nuclear power plant the energy or heat it produced by the fission of Uranium; in a coal-burning plant the burning of coal produces the energy or heat. The Uranium power plant does not produce the soot and harmful gasses, such as CO2, that the coal-burning plant does. Also, nuclear power plants are cleaner because very little fuel is needed to create a lot of energy; and there is no air pollution like there is with a coal-burning …show more content…
The only two major accidents evolving nuclear power plants were in Chernobyl, Ukraine and Fukushima, Japan. A fluke earthquake followed by a tsunami caused the Fukushima leak, in which the waves crashed against a nuclear facility and disable the systems used to cool the nuclear fuel. Zero deaths have resulted from the accident because the Japanese government responded rapidly in evacuating people and stopping food shipments immediately, things the Soviet government did not do after Chernobyl. Fukushima is a perfect example of when a fluke accident causing a nuclear leak the proper response can stop a disaster. The other incidence, Chernobyl, was caused by human error and an improper response by the Soviet government. The operators ran the nuclear power plant at a very low power, without following safety precautions and alerting the safety personal, which caused the power surge that started a fire. The fire burned, while releasing radiation into the atmosphere, for ten days. The Chernobyl power plant also did not have a containment structure, which would have contained most of the radioactive material, like most other nuclear power plants. Also, the Soviet government did not stop the shipment of food containing radioiodine immediately. This caused a increased amount of thyroid cancer, which has lead to the deaths of fifteen children from the Chernobyl