Today countries all over the world put a significant amount of their budget towards defense and the security along the lines of their borders. Governments all around the world have put great stress on the fact of continuously developing nuclear weapons; this is to help establish their strength over other weaker countries with none or little nuclear power.
The first thing that comes to my mind when nuclear weapons are brought into conversation is the Hiroshima-Nagasaki incident that took far too many lives and the effects of the disaster still linger and find their roots to these nuclear weapons. The tremendous amount of deaths that it resulted in forced authorities and the world community to look at nuclear weapons more as weapons of mass destruction more than anything else. Looking at these things in a clearer light today, there is still a lot of uncertainty that is brought to the world community about nuclear weapons. Some delegates look to make strategic allies around the world, however the developments and the stress that all the governments lay on nuclear weapons raises too much suspicion to other major countries. On one end, the world community is trying of make the use of nuclear weapons seem positive towards humankind, the other end shows a pretty negative meaning to it, which mostly speaking of the terror aspect and the establishment of power it brings. Better put as the race to be on the top with most of the power.
With more and more countries being able to access nuclear weapons, a debate has been brought to question. This debate talks about if these nuclear weapons are a means of security or threat, but has also been a major breakthrough in making countries realize each other's value. The other side believes that this has just widened the gap between the powerful and the less powerful countries.
The most common test with nuclear weapons are brought out by a country to remind their enemies of the