Individuals have no special responsibility for voting, this is true it is always your choice not a responsibility. We have many rights, example the right to assemble or the right to bear arms. People do not have to obligate them, or put them in practice. When we have a day to vote if you do not like any of the people or if voting just is not something that you want to do then that is your right. I would not like it if the government made it mandatory, because that goes to say that our country has no freedom, you are not letting us have our freedom. …show more content…
People who are informed should vote, no that is not how it should be.
If people do not want to vote they do not have to. If someone is not informed they should still get to vote. Uninformed voting does not damage the democracy, it is the county, government, and or city to inform people that there is a vote going on if they would like to come vote or not. I have not really heard of anyone not being informed that there is a vote going on, but it can happen.
Every citizen 18 or older can vote, if they are registered. It is your vote whether or not you choose to do so. If you decline the right to vote it is not disrespectful at all. Sometimes people may not like any of the candidates that are running for governor, president, or even mayor of their town. Some people do not like any of them so they just choose not to vote, other people could care either way so they choose not to vote too. I cannot stress enough over how it is not disrespectful to your freedom, you have a freedom for a reason and the citizens of the United States can choose for
Everyone has their own opinion on voting, but mine is for freedom. You are allowed to vote or not to vote and it is not disrespectful. For anyone who thinks it is, you do not know what the word freedom is. Our country is supposed to be freedom to do what you want with certain regulations. To all the people out there in the USA it is your choice and do not let anyone tell you different.