If for instance, a person is in a vegetative state and its being plugged to this machines that keep the person alive, we will consider to end his/her life as there is no hope for this person to recover and be back to normal life again. However, this will be a hard decision to make as it bring value conflicts as one is taking away someone’s life but considering his/her situation the decision taken could be right and appropriate it. For people who are very ill and the only option to stop suffering from their illness and feel their lives are near to end, the decision to end their lives is not justified because as mentioned above we believe that every one’s time will come when the time is right in the life cycle. Ending up your life is not the solution and it not perceived as right in society and bring lot of value …show more content…
We think that assisting someone to die is actually committing a murder, therefore is not right to seek assistance because the person who assists to die the other one will end up in prison with a number of charges.
5. Do people have the right to give assistance in dying? No, people do not have the right to give assistance in dying because it will be considered a murder and this person will have problems with legal authorities and even may end up in prison for life. In addition, it is no ethical in doing so. In contrast, this person should give assistance but in terms of looking for professional assistance in case this person is really ill and needs treatment or medication or physiologist in case this person is mentally ill and needs a specific treatment so ending his/her life will not be an option for them.
6. What kind of restrictions, if any, should there be on assisted suicide? There should not be any restrictions on assisted suicide as it is not considered right in the eyes of the public and society in general, and it’s not legal. It could however be argued that in certain circumstances a person should be allowed to take his or her own life, but if society took any steps to make it legal for even certain people to kill themselves such a rule would automatically discriminate other groups and anger many