Why should they be required to wear the body cameras. it's not because a sworn in officer of the law cannot be trusted to do his duties and to protect and to serve. but it is because there are the few out there that bend the rules and mess it up for others. then people betray police as bad people.
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sometimes people make it hard to do their jobs exactly by the book they have to exert more force to take down the subject. if the police have to come in then then the subject is probably in the wrong. the police just do not go around arresting people for no reason.
Body cameras would do exactly this they would show the confrontation from start to finish. they would make police think before acting when doing their job knowing the consequences that follow when they make a wrong decision. being a police officer is not just a career choice it is a serious power that most people can't handle.
Police need to take more responsibility and take their job more seriously if this was reality then we would not need the body cams but that is not the reality. if the police wor them it would document every second of their job leaving out room for corruption. police are still humans they tend to make mistakes and also intentionally do things to abuse the power they have been given. body cameras would show if the police officer is doing exactly