Helping those in needs is the noblest mission. The targets were set in 2000, as part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, to reduce global poverty by 2015.
All people have a basic human right to a sufficient amount of safe food to sustain life. Food aid is a vital response to people who do not have access to adequate food. For instance, more affluent nations should react to the food aid and focus on meeting the needs of hungry people. However, food aid programs should not foster dependency among recipient countries and should be designed in ways that advance broader food security strategies for poor nations. Furthermore, the international institutions should support and assist developing countries in creating strategies to ensure food security for their people. The governments of developing nations have an obligation to do everything reasonably possible to overcome hunger. This requires promoting agricultural development, curbing corruption, and ensuring that food aid actually goes to the hungry.
In addition to the nutritional food contribution, health supply and educational support are equally important for developing countries. Non-profit organizations, such as “UNESCO”, “Doctor without Borders”, “Earth Med” are providing and improving the medical care in more than 150 developing countries. For instance, their programs include education in direct patient care; diagnostic support, medical device donations, supply donations, and community outreach support. While helping needed is humanitarian, the problems of underdevelopment must be attacked,