However, the provenance of the source highlights a vested interest in the topic for the fact that as said previously, it promotes human rights and ensures that signatory parties respect the ICCPR. It is important to note that international treatises such as the International Bill of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights corroborate and support the validity of the ICCPR. It could be argued that the notion that prisons ought to reform convicts provides a positive justification for what would otherwise be an adverse form of punishment of the crime. Reformation of prisoners is likely to be compelling if it can be linked in some way to efforts to reduce crime. However, it is very difficult to make any direct connection between this assumption and an increase or reduction in national crime rates. For this reason, implementation of restorative justice as way to guarantee prisoners’ entitlement of human rights is often difficult to achieve. Contrastingly, other people have an opposite interpretation of the intent of
However, the provenance of the source highlights a vested interest in the topic for the fact that as said previously, it promotes human rights and ensures that signatory parties respect the ICCPR. It is important to note that international treatises such as the International Bill of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Universal Declaration of Human Rights corroborate and support the validity of the ICCPR. It could be argued that the notion that prisons ought to reform convicts provides a positive justification for what would otherwise be an adverse form of punishment of the crime. Reformation of prisoners is likely to be compelling if it can be linked in some way to efforts to reduce crime. However, it is very difficult to make any direct connection between this assumption and an increase or reduction in national crime rates. For this reason, implementation of restorative justice as way to guarantee prisoners’ entitlement of human rights is often difficult to achieve. Contrastingly, other people have an opposite interpretation of the intent of