The police is devoting thousands of hours arresting and imprison marijuana users. Which the majority of these people are law-abiding. Some even stay in prison for over a decade, for nothing more than possession of cannabis for personal use.
Each year the government spends 3.6 billion dollars, enforcing laws on possession. According to the American civil Liberties Union. The times says that regular police officer can spend many hours arresting and booking a suspect. This person can spend several night in local jail, and be taken to court several times regarding the case.
Instead of spending other people's tax money on arresting people for the use of marijuana. Why not spend it trying to …show more content…
To make this study short. A team researchers from the United States, New zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom set out to explore the records of several studies involving 5,000 participants. What they found was that there appeared to be very little reasons to suspect weed use led to a greater threat of this disease.
Habitual use of marijuana alone does not led to significant abnormalities in lung function, wrote Dr. Donald Tashkin. But he also claims that the overall risks of pulmonary complications of regular use of marijuana appear to be relatively small and far lower than those who smoke tobacco. Pulmonary complications is mostly associated with Blood clots, arrhythmia and bleeding.
In a commentary regarding Dr Donald Tashkin’s study, Dr. Mark Ware, with McGill university claimed that cannabis smoking does not lead to an increase risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or airway cancers. And that research for cleaner cannabinoid delivery systems should continue its development. But for now, those who smoke small amounts of cannabis for medical purpose can breath a little bit …show more content…
It also causes cancer in the kidney, head, neck, throat, lungs. Almost every organ in the body is vulnerable to cancer.
On the 31st of May on No tobacco Day. WHO releases a press conference, they stated that up to half of all tobacco users will eventually die in a tobacco-related disease.
So why is marijuana illegal? There really is no real answer to that. Just different speculations and theories.
But Steven fox, from the National Cannabis Industry Association, blames in on the government propaganda and cultural bias.
On of the most earliest propaganda materials which was against marijuana was released in 1936. Which was totally inaccurate film called Reefer Madness. The film was about marijuana causing young people to commit suicide, raping and to become criminally insane.
This and other similar lies about marijuana throughout the years. Has lead the public to have a negative perception about it.
Fox, however. Believes that as time goes, the US population will increasingly support the legalization of it.
The most recent statistics regarding this subject shows that 46 percent of the american population is in favor for legalization of