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So without the extra funding from the taxes there is now less wage to hire government contractors (Huang).This affects the overall economy of the United States and cause less and less buildings as well as factories to be built and to stay functional because they can't afford to pay a respectable wage to the employees (Huang). So this causes the production of products to slow down and seize revenue (Huang). Then the less profit we generate for ourselves the more we try to take from other countries and that causes war and so we will spend a considerable amount on war and then become further in bankruptcy, thus causing for another “Great Depression” and then suffering financially and collapse again, then leave the middle and lower class struggling for survival and the rich are still able to function through it because not only can they just move away they could also afford to continue living with a respectable amount of comfort (Huang). This may not concern many people, but there should not be a separation between Americans due to the amount of paper one has and then the one percent also needs to keep their money onshore and not hire accountants to avoid various amounts of tax pay because this would help out the economy (Huang). The rich should pay more to fund federal union jobs because that helps all of America in the long run (Huang). Do you think that the funding of civil union …show more content…
Not only would it help fund civil union jobs, but also stop pesky corporations from being able to not pay taxes and offshoring most of their profit also we need to tax the rich more because who needs to be a billionaire and keep all of that money to themselves. The reason why we should raise the taxes for the rich to help fund for our union jobs would cause us to have more jobs and the more jobs would cause a rise in the economy and with a higher economy that means a more prosperous country than a more prosperous country means a stronger country so less war and a more peaceful place to live. With a better economy, we could crack down on the larger corporations that are offshoring profit and with the more that we crack down on the offshoring the more that the people will have power and not be pushed around by the bigger corporations and businesses. Having the larger corporations pay higher taxes would also cause a large bump in funding for organizations such as Red Cross and Children's Hospital and the more we fund these these organizations the more peaceful and prosperous the world would be and then the world could focus on more important research such as a cure for cancer or even world hunger. This would also refer to the one percent that would help also help the larger organizations and it would also diminish a very large gap in our social ladder and thus remove most of the hatred due to someone’s