The north and south were very different from each other socially and economically. They each had their won interpretations of the Constitution and their differing views creating much conflict. Each conflict gave the two regions their own reasons for entering a Civil War.…
busy schedules, and how early their school day starts. To try and help scholars work to their…
Therefore, school hours should start later in the day because waking up early in the morning makes students very sleep deprived, decreases academic achievement and health, and because teenage bodies are still growing, it puts off their biological process for sleeping.…
Studies have shown that students on the later start time “ had better grades than students that started with a 7:15 a.m. start time”(Erde) This right here seals the deal and should automatically prove that we need to have these times in place and we need them quick for the betterment of our school and our future. And as parents this seems like an even better answer with a more happy kid that is doing better in school because of this change.We need to get out there and make a change in our society that benefits our kids and our future generations by raising the bar and with all of the negative things that go along with these early start times it will be hard to but with this change it will be even more doable and will be…
Some people think that school should start later, due to a variety of reasons. They may say that you can get a bigger breakfast when having more time. Most parents have to go to work before their kids wake up, so that they wouldn’t be able to make a big breakfast in time or at all. Other people supporting the later school start time will say the obvious, that you get more sleep. However, kids will start vamping with the extra time they have and can get them an even more limited time of sleep.…
It's 7:30 as the first bell rings and kids are tired and walking to there classes barely awake like zombies. School starting so early can hurt middle school and high schoolers education. Studies show even moving start times back 30 min would help and be a step in the right direction. The more awake kids are the more information they take in . Yes the kids could help themselves by going to sleep earlier but biological research shows that circadian rhythms shift causing teens to stay up later. Schools should start later because they start a bit to early because too little sleep can cause problems, health organizations and doctors recommend later start times, and Later start times will improve grades.…
“42 states reported that most (75%-100%) public schools started before 8:30 a.m” (“Schools Start Too Early”). Most schools start before 8:30. A decent amount of schools start around 7:20. Schools start early in the day and release later in the afternoon. This has become routine, but studies show that students who start early in the day perform worse in school compared to those who start later in the day. Schools should implement a later start time for higher schoolers since high schoolers would get around the recommended amount of sleep, preventing sleeping in school and high schoolers academics and safety will increase, since they will get enough sleep to study before school and prevent drowsiness.…
Studies say that “Waking up before 8:30 is bad for kids”. Middle School start time should start later because sleep affects the students attitudes,grades,and health. Middle School start time should start later because sleep affects kids attitudes. Kids can get forgetful and will not be able to remember everything if they do not get enough sleep. Being tired can get kids moody and make them mad at anything. The kids can even act weird or do weird things if they do not have enough sleep. However, attitude is not the only thing that is affected if a kid does not get enough sleep, grades can be affected too.…
Certainly it could be said that if school starts later, then it will end later; while this is a good point, it fails to account for the loss of sleep caused by early start times. The Scholastic Scope article explains “For one thing starting school late means dismissing school later, which leaves fewer daylight hours for after school activities like sports” (O’Neil 21). Although this is true, many students arrive at school later because they do not get enough sleep. While some might argue that starting school later means that districts will have to invest in busses and drivers, they forget that starting school later will help align school schedules with sleep schedules. For instance, the article explains “School bus schedules are arranged to meet the needs of not just one school but all schools in the district” (O’Neil 21). Even though there would need to be more buses to meet the needs for all schools, kids would be more alert in class. Some people may argue that starting school later brings the wrong message to kids. The Scholastic Scope article says “Being on time, managing a busy schedule, and getting enough sleep are important skills teens will need to know when they enter the workforce” (O’Neil 21). In contrast, starting school later would help kids stay physically and mentally healthy. Starting school later will help students academically succeed and stay mentally…
Students could get more sleep if school started later. For example, British sleep scientists argue that school school shouldn’t start until at least 10 o’clock. Data from Wake County, North Carolina, Examined how start times affect performance of middle school students on standardized test… found that delaying school start…
Most high schools in the United States start school before eight a.m. Boards of Education do this to help make transportation easier and to finish the day quicker (Eight). Alas, they seem to forget about the effect of early start times on students. Later start times, anything after eight o’clock in the morning, would benefit students in multiple ways.…
For example, Minnesota Public Schools pushed back their start time by 85 minutes and the amount the students grade’s raised were very encouraging, according to the National Sleep Foundation. This study proves that getting enough rest really can make students smarter! In class, if a student has had enough rest it’s proven that students are more awake, alert and ready to learn. As a result, the students earn better grades. “Sleep makes you smarter and more creative over a longer term…” says Scholastic in the article, When Sleep Becomes A Nightmare. Just pushing back the school start times by one hour could improve the grades for students and the…
For most high school students, Monday mornings can be a real drag and some may say it’s like that every morning. Every weekday students are getting up before 6 a.m. so they have enough time to get ready for school. For a lot of teens, it is hard to function properly at this early of a time. If schools would start just an hour later, students would have a better chance of getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Waking up from a good night's sleep will always have a positive effect on one’s attitude the next day.…
The majority of Students stay up late even on school nights, if students had a hour later to get ready they wouldn't be as tired and failing classes and not wanting to do anything while they're at school. In the article Backgrounder by the national sleep foundation, “Later school start times” It states “research shows that adolescents require as much sleep as they did as a children generally, 8 1/2 to 9 ¼”(1). This shows that adolescents aren't getting enough sleep as they should be to have to wake up early and go to school. Even if we had a hour later to start school students wouldn't be as tired as they are now.…
Starting school later in the day kids will be able to function during the school day, getting the sleep they need, and having an increase of school attendance. We want our kids to be excited about school and want to go. In all, school times should be pushed back at least 40 minutes. It will help students get the sleep they need so they can be proficient in school and be ready to give it their…