Over 3,000 schools have switched to year-round schooling in 46 different states. This makes up nearly ten percent of all public schools. “Traditional” schools are starting to decrease in numbers as year-round schools start to increase to “save money” (“Schools Without Summer Break: An In-Depth Look at Year-Round Schooling”, 1). But I don’t agree with converting schools to year-round facilities because students may find themselves in a multi-tracked school system which could be could problematic for the students and their families, there will be conflicts for family regarding child care, and students will miss out on summertime experiences.
To begin, we should not switch schools to year round schooling because …show more content…
Many parents use summer activities as childcare while they are working. Such as summer camps. But when the students are out on break when these camps are not in session, parents would be forced to find other child care at a costly price (“Year Round Schools Pros and Cons”). Year round schooling could also interfere with these camps. So students would not be able to attend camps such as boy scouts, girl scouts, and enrichment camps that they may use in their future lives because they would be in school. Another problem is that parents and families reject the year-round schooling and the schools lose the cooperation of the families. Year round schooling also makes it difficult to plan summer vacations or even to find family time. The students must constantly be worrying about homework after school and also want to hang out with friends. This causes them to spend less and less time with their parents and siblings. This family time is very important for the student and the families health. Students need the support and guidance of their family to stay on the right track and do the right things. Lots of family time comes during summer break. When the students don’t have to worry about homework and can hang out with their friends during the day and then spend time with their families at night ("Year-Round School Pros and Cons."). If we take away this summer break students and family would not be spending enough quality family time together without missing school and this is not good for their well-being or their