
Should Sherlock Holmes Break Criminal Justice

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Should Sherlock Holmes Break Criminal Justice
The Stolen Jewel Imagine stuffing a carbuncle down a striped goose and a few days later someone else takes the same goose with the same stripe on the back! Both a stole the goose and the jewel. Will the other person go to jail? Or will you get arrested and go to jail? Will the detective set them free? Yes! Sherlock Holmes sets both free! But for stealing a jewel and a goose? In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes positively made the wrong decision by letting Ryder and Catharine free. That means, Sherlock Holmes also broke the law! Sherlock should have never let them go, because no one never knows if Ryder and Catharine will commit another crime or not. If Ryder and Catharine do commit a crime again, then the siblings might do something ever bigger than before!

In the first place, Sherlock Holmes should have thrown Ryder in jail, because stealing is stealing and a crime is a crime. If someone breaks the law, then someone should suffer the consequences whether they will like to face the consequences or not. Since Sherlock Holmes set them free, that means Sherlock Holmes also broke the law! For an example, an officer or a detective would put someone in jail for murdering someone, so that means that Sherlock should have also put someone in jail for being a theft. I think Sherlock and Ryder should both go to jail for committing an illegal crime.
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No one knows if someone is a criminal or not unless someone actually does something that is breaking the law or is a crime. Since Sherlock Holmes let Ryder and Catharine go, if Ryder breaks another law, then I bet Sherlock Holmes will set them free just like he did the last time. Also, just because Ryder and Catharine did something little this time, does not mean that they will do something little again. Ryder and Catharine might do something out of this world big. But no one ever knows what is coming up into the

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