Since early times, smoking has been part of different cultures and religions in Africa and America, but later it spread in Europe and the rest of the world. This is an unhealthy and dangerous habit, which causes many problems often related not only to health. That is why there should be some limits. On the one hand, if smoking is banned, people will be able to put aside much bigger sums of their salaries, because they would not spend money on cigarettes and tobacco. In this sense, the standard of living will increase, so smoking ban will be a huge step towards a better society. The nicotine-free way of living will improve people’s health, therefore mortality rate will decrease. Less people will suffer from heart and lung diseases, which are most commonly caused by smoking. On the other hand, if smoking is banned, half of the population of our planet will not agree with that and will continue distributing and using tobacco products even if it is against the law. There are too many addicted people, who are very likely to get depressed because of the stress without their daily drug dose. Not to mention that many restaurants will lose clients and their profit will fall. Smoking ban might even lead to a devastating financial crisis. All things considered, smoking is one of the biggest social and health problems nowadays. Unfortunately, it cannot be eradicated so easily,but it should be restricted. Yes, smoking is bad and bad for people around the smoker but imagine what would happen if it got banned? Just look up the Alcohol Prohibition in the early 1900's. The U.S. decided to ban alcohol so guess what happened. The Black Market filled with alcohol and soon it got out of control, this lasted about TEN years until the government gave up. If more people get arrested for black market buying then WE have to pay for their confinement. Plus its a citizens right. Yes smoking is unhealthy and it can kill people and the environment, but if you think about it, cars are dangerous and it also kills the environment probably more than cigarettes. I don't support smoking, especially my family smoking, but I don't think it should be banned for MANY reasons, these are just some.
Since early times, smoking has been part of different cultures and religions in Africa and America, but later it spread in Europe and the rest of the world. This is an unhealthy and dangerous habit, which causes many problems often related not only to health. That is why there should be some limits. On the one hand, if smoking is banned, people will be able to put aside much bigger sums of their salaries, because they would not spend money on cigarettes and tobacco. In this sense, the standard of living will increase, so smoking ban will be a huge step towards a better society. The nicotine-free way of living will improve people’s health, therefore mortality rate will decrease. Less people will suffer from heart and lung diseases, which are most commonly caused by smoking. On the other hand, if smoking is banned, half of the population of our planet will not agree with that and will continue distributing and using tobacco products even if it is against the law. There are too many addicted people, who are very likely to get depressed because of the stress without their daily drug dose. Not to mention that many restaurants will lose clients and their profit will fall. Smoking ban might even lead to a devastating financial crisis. All things considered, smoking is one of the biggest social and health problems nowadays. Unfortunately, it cannot be eradicated so easily,but it should be restricted. Yes, smoking is bad and bad for people around the smoker but imagine what would happen if it got banned? Just look up the Alcohol Prohibition in the early 1900's. The U.S. decided to ban alcohol so guess what happened. The Black Market filled with alcohol and soon it got out of control, this lasted about TEN years until the government gave up. If more people get arrested for black market buying then WE have to pay for their confinement. Plus its a citizens right. Yes smoking is unhealthy and it can kill people and the environment, but if you think about it, cars are dangerous and it also kills the environment probably more than cigarettes. I don't support smoking, especially my family smoking, but I don't think it should be banned for MANY reasons, these are just some.