From another expert, Michael Babyak, Ph.d, Tested on kids going through depression by separating them into two groups, one group had depressed kids participating in structured sporting activities for four months, and the other group to keep on their normal lives. After the test, Michael concluded that the group that did sports, showed little or no depressive symptoms. obviously sports help with mental issues, but there are still a few reasons why sports should still be allowed in schools While sports help kids mentally, sports also have many benefits to teens and kids physically. The “Association for Applied Sports Psychology” lists that many of the sports kids and teens play, tend to increase muscle gain and weight loss since the US is going through an obesity problem. Avery Faigenbaum stated that sports help improve many common motor skills like running, jumping, etc. Tim O’ Shee related sports to ancient Greek and how they enhance their body physically to overpower their enemies. Surely these are the reason why I think sports should stay but the other side think
From another expert, Michael Babyak, Ph.d, Tested on kids going through depression by separating them into two groups, one group had depressed kids participating in structured sporting activities for four months, and the other group to keep on their normal lives. After the test, Michael concluded that the group that did sports, showed little or no depressive symptoms. obviously sports help with mental issues, but there are still a few reasons why sports should still be allowed in schools While sports help kids mentally, sports also have many benefits to teens and kids physically. The “Association for Applied Sports Psychology” lists that many of the sports kids and teens play, tend to increase muscle gain and weight loss since the US is going through an obesity problem. Avery Faigenbaum stated that sports help improve many common motor skills like running, jumping, etc. Tim O’ Shee related sports to ancient Greek and how they enhance their body physically to overpower their enemies. Surely these are the reason why I think sports should stay but the other side think