Compare and Contrast
College Writing One
October 9, 2013
Living in a Dorm v. Commuting In college there are many things going on that are stressful, where one is sleeping should not be one of them. Colleges usually have two choices commuting or living in the dorms. Commuting is where one drives to and from school every day. Living in the dorms are pretty self-explanatory, one just stays at the school in the dorms. Living in the dorms is what most college students do. This is more convenient and there is less to worry about. One of the biggest struggles college students have is money. College is expensive whether one commutes or dorms. Staying in the dorms usually looks extremely expensive but in reality it pays off. It also looks like a lot because it is crammed into one payment instead of paying it monthly When staying in the dorm one does not have to pay for utilities, rent, or as much gas money as a commuter would. Commuters usually have to find an apartment, unless living at home, which cost a lot of money. Even though the rent is split up into months, it starts to add up. Also paying for food comes into play. While staying on campus one can purchase a meal plan which is a certain amount of meals per week. This is easy, but a little pricey. This is easy because one can pay for all meals in the beginning of the year and won’t have to worry about paying for groceries. When commuting a meal plan is not available. In that case, one must have to go out and buy their groceries. In college there are a lot of activities that go on. There are fairs, dinners, movies, presentations and more. Sometimes the school is bad at advertising these events online but they have posters around the dorms and the schools that can constantly remind one of these events. Usually these posters are where the resident students hang out; therefore they will see them all the time and never forget about the events. When staying in a dorm it is easy to get to these