Should Study Drugs Be Banned V2
Should study drugs be banned? Study drugs have been a growing problem lately because increasingly more and more students are using study drugs in an attempt to achieve better grades. This isn’t the only reason for which they are used; trying to study faster is another big reason for their use. In my opinion, “Study Drugs” shouldn’t be allowed since not all students use them and it wouldn’t be fair that the students that don’t use them get lower grades because of a drug. The purpose of these study drugs was to treat people with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many students are trying to abuse these drugs when they don’t have any of these disorders. The students use the drug without knowing their secondary effects, which can range from increased blood pressure to paranoia. Not only are they bad for you, but in many schools these drugs have been banned and their use may result in the student being taken to jail or suspended from the school. Students these days normally work and go to school at the same time, which is really time consuming and many students feel the pressure of not having enough time, so they turn to these drugs so they can use their time more effectively when studying. This is an excuse I have heard before from other students but I don’t think it is a good one because if you can’t handle doing both activities at the same time, then you should probably cut back a little on one of them. I do believe this is an individual responsibility and decision; no one should be influenced by others into taking a drug.
In my opinion, “Change Honor Codes to Include Abuse of Nonprescription Drugs” by David Albert, is more accurate because I do believe that if all the schools include in their Honor Code that the abuse of nonprescription drugs is against the rules then many students would stop taking them just because of the fear of getting caught. I do believe that this method won’t stop every single student