Teachers in the US struggle, after more than fourteen years of experience and commitment, to live a standard lifestyle. The pending question, which is present in every moment of their profession and the key to the life they yearn, is only answered with the terrible antics of people and disparagement - Should teachers’ salaries be raised? This question is made to seem more incomprehensible than it actually is, the answer is just beneath the noses of those who simply decide to ignore it. Teachers in the United States are pressured into overworking and even reassessing their career because of pecuniary conflicts. Fewer individuals even think about becoming teachers. And there is more to just a higher pay for teachers that people haven't even taken into consideration, studies have shown that student performances exceed when teachers have better pay. People proclaim that the quality of a teacher is more important than their salary, but in the end, do the struggles excellent teachers encounter everyday, their power to produce success out of students, which is now plummeting down, and the abolishment of dreams to be a teacher, all because of money, stand …show more content…
Teachers in countries like Korea, Netherlands, and Switzerland are paid $20,000 more than teachers in the United States. Students in those countries get test scores that rank in the top percentiles. It is evident that there is a firm relationship between a teacher’s salary and the performance of students. A study by Hanushek found that an excellent teacher could raise a student's’ lifetime earning by $20,000. Student performance in the United States is only declining. Irrational measures are being taken as the expectations for students amplifies and payment for teachers remains the same. In order for children to improve in their studies, teachers should have a raise in their