Firstly, at the age of 21, humans leave their teenage years into early adulthood. During this period of life, humans gain more maturity physically and mentally. Mental maturity is an absolute requirement for all drivers. At a younger age, teenagers are fueled by a competitive lifestyle where everything seems to be race for them. This also happens on road where teenagers strive to overtake any drivers who drive faster than them. In turn, they endanger their own life and the life of others due to this immaturity.
Secondly, once the minimum age is raised there will be lesser drivers on the road. If we only may get a driving license at the age of 21, then teenagers from the age of 17 to 20 years old will still not be driving. Consequently, there will be lesser drivers on the road which lead to a lower probability for accidents to occur. Besides, the more cars on the roads, the higher the probability of accidents to occur. This can be proven by the staggering number of accidents during festive seasons.
Some may argue that if we are to raise the minimum age to obtaining a drivers license in
Malaysia to 21, there will be more illegal or drivers without a license on the road. This group claims that driving is a necessity so; teenagers will take the risk to drive without license.
However, a closer inspection of the evidence may reveal that the law in Malaysia enforces heavy penalties to illegal drivers. Even if there are to be some who drivers without license, these heavy