Through the 1700’s to 1860’s slaves were widely used throughout the south for labor purposes. They would pick and de-seed cotton along with be servants to the wealthy. The cotton gin was later introduced by Eli Whitney, which increased the need for more slaves to expand cotton production. The slaves were considered property in the south, while in the north instead of farming they believed in industrializing …show more content…
Seemed like a good idea, however Missouri was in the middle of the line. A long debate about whether it should be a free state or slave state went on in 1819 for months. They came up with the missouri compromise in the end, meaning it was stated Missouri would be a slave state. While Maine would be completely cut out of massachusetts, all created into a free state. Tension was beginning to build already.
In 1850 the compromise of 1850 was created to further strengthen the Fugitive slave act and also prevent further territorial expansion of the states. It was a law the encouraged the Northerners to move the escaped slaves to their owners in the south. Although this idea worked it also suspended all the hostile fighting between the south and the north. It did something that was sad, it strengthened the structural disparity that divided the States. Now that this compromise was in place the free states no played a role with slavery by returning the slaves back, almost enforced slavery in a