First, as stated in Roe v. wade women have the fundamental privacy right to obtain an abortion. I think that it is the women's choice to have an abortion the president should not make that choice for women. What if your daughter or someone in your family had gotten raped ? How would you feel ? Would you want that baby in your life just because someone else tried to ruin your life. Many people argue that abortions are murdering another human but would you want to go through that or put your loved one through that just because someone tried to ruin your life for one night. I personally think that no …show more content…
The choice of her keeping the child would result in her having to get a job to support the child and lose her education. I know many young teenagers that went to school with me and dropped out because they were pregnant and had responsibilities to take care of. The cycle will continue over and over and there will be more high school dropouts. With the choice of abortions many people will not have to deal with these issues.
Many people will disagree with me and say that abortions are murdering innocent babies but how are you murdering someone that isn't even born yet ? Most people do not know what it feels like to struggle to keep a child and care for it. Children come with responsibilities that most people cannot handle and it is not fair they should have to suffer the consequences because of one mistake. It should not be up to President-elect Donald Trump to make that decision for millions of