Today, the United States has a very strict school system that is very similar all around the US.
Kids start school in September and end in June with about a three month summer break. This has been the same for a very long time. The US did this so the kids could work for their parents in the summer when crops are growing. When the school system was created, Technology wasn’t developed very well. Families do a great deal of work in the summer. They used as much help as they could to receive everything ready. The school system was set up perfect for these conditions. Technology has evolved. The world has invented many items to help farms to make crops much easier to handle. Some of the items that have been invented are tractors, crop dusting planes, sod cutters, ditching tools and many more items that make the process go
faster. Having a three month summer off is pointless when many kids don’t work on farms. Most kids have fun and spend time with their families. During this time period, many kids don’t remember what they learned in school. Many kids don’t spend time in the summer on school work, they have other hobbies they put their mind to. Coming back to school in the fall, Teachers spend time teaching what they have already taught. This takes up the time that kids could be learning more about that certain subject. The sky's the limit for what can be done and how the school system can be changed. Schooling is very important for every kid. Without an education, it is difficult to find a job when becoming an adult. The school system should be taken seriously to every kid. Many kids struggle in school. Every person is different and learns differently. A new proposal suggests having school all year round. The new school year would start in September. It would have nine-week quarters and each would be followed by a three week break. The school year would end in July with a four-week break before the next school year. Within the quarters of each school year, students will complete one core class and two electives. Within the year, classes would rotate between 4 core classes. Graduation requirement would stay the same. With this new system kids will have an opportunity to focus on one subject. Staying on one subject for the new quarters will help kids access a better understanding of what they’re learning instead of having to focus on 4 subjects at the same time. Having these shorter breaks will also help kids remember what they learned in that quarter instead of having one huge break. Teachers will be able to touch up on more within a subject knowing the kids won’t be forgetting that they learned. The school system has never changed. Over the decades, it has stayed the same. Technology has evolved and schooling should be as well. The school system was designed to work around family schedules so kids can help on the farms in the summer. Technology has progressed so kids aren’t needed as much. Now in the summer, kids spend most of their time either having a job, spending time with family, or doing their favorite hobbies. During this time school work is forgotten. Teachers reteach much of what they taught the last year. With a proposal of a new school system, Kids will be able to focus on one subject at a time and recieve shorter breaks throughout the year. An education is important. The way it is given to kids should be too.