First, I will discuss how the tests take up too much class time. Kids spend 20 to 25 hours a year or 2.3% of the class time on the test. That doesn't include that preparing for the test. 20 to 25 hours is basically one day that the kids could of been learning but they aren’t there taking tests. From Pre Kindergarten to 12th grade they take about 112 tests. That’s about 9 tests per year that they have to take not including the tests that they take not including the tests that they take to see if there learning. In this paragraph I have discussed that tests take up too much class time.
Next, I will be talking about how the tests that the students are taking are low quality. Carvalho, a …show more content…
We need them because they show if the kids are learning and if they need help. No because kids spend 20 to 25 hours taking tests and not learning. The kids are spending a day or more on testing when they could be learning. It takes about 2 to 4 mouths to get the results back from a test. After they take the test it’s too late for the results to help the kids because they will be in summer break or in the next grade. Some people think that all the tests are needed. No we they aren’t because it takes up time that could be spent learning and it takes to long to get the results