This question gives rise to the controversy over network neutrality, the government instated action that gave equal rules and policies for internet companies. In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission put in place a policy that banned internet servers from manipulating information that is sent through data or the internet. This manipulation could occur in many ways; for example, an internet company could manipulate the connection to be slower for a specific company because their competitor pays for a faster rate. This policy was largely put in place to protect consumers from being forced toward a lobbying company.
However, in 2017 this policy was done away with by the new Federal Communications Commission. The government was wrong in removing the policies involved in net neutrality. It is unfair in a free market and democratic country for a consumer to suffer, because of something they have no hand in. Internet servers should provide a service that moves information quickly and efficiently from one point to the next without any manipulation or analysis being …show more content…
The boy continued to appeal his case until he reached North Carolina's Supreme Court, which ruled that this law violates the first amendment. The court ruled that the law regulates speech instead of actions, making his abusive use of social media a violation of the first amendment. Currently, it is difficult to define this abuse and sentence one for it, but it needs to be considered one of the most important things in our government. Many adolescents have committed suicide or had to receive medical attention, through therapy and hospitalization, because of this vile act. Bullying is an unacceptable act whether it be face-to-face or through social