The Department of Justice denies the use of torture methods but according to the Human Rights Watch, International bodies and U.S courts the FBI uses authorizes tactics such as waterboarding, stress positions, hooding during questioning, deprivation of light and auditory stimuli, and use of detainees’ individual phobias to induce stress to obtain information from Al Qaeda members in captivity. Many current and former US officials still argue that the these “enhanced interrogation techniques “were not torture. However, according to the United Nations Committee against Torture and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture have clearly stated that these techniques are cruel punishments in violation of the laws of Armed Conflict and International Human Rights laws. What even more concerning is that President Trump has spoken out stating that waterboarding is cruel enough and that it America should push for harsher punishments against
The Department of Justice denies the use of torture methods but according to the Human Rights Watch, International bodies and U.S courts the FBI uses authorizes tactics such as waterboarding, stress positions, hooding during questioning, deprivation of light and auditory stimuli, and use of detainees’ individual phobias to induce stress to obtain information from Al Qaeda members in captivity. Many current and former US officials still argue that the these “enhanced interrogation techniques “were not torture. However, according to the United Nations Committee against Torture and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture have clearly stated that these techniques are cruel punishments in violation of the laws of Armed Conflict and International Human Rights laws. What even more concerning is that President Trump has spoken out stating that waterboarding is cruel enough and that it America should push for harsher punishments against