The same is with college, the amount of money students put into their college education often helps fuel their desire to succeed, helping them push themselves to do better! With tuition free college, the risk factor of failing classes and test goes out the window! The student would be able to theoretically, retake the class over and over until finally they pass. Meanwhile, the school is paying over and over to educate that individual. As the student would be finically unscaved, the college or university would be ones to pay the price! The financial cost of education encourages individuals to do their absolute best and study hard! It helps motivate students to pass their classes, as well as keeps them engaged in their education therefore it is important that college tuition stays the way it
The same is with college, the amount of money students put into their college education often helps fuel their desire to succeed, helping them push themselves to do better! With tuition free college, the risk factor of failing classes and test goes out the window! The student would be able to theoretically, retake the class over and over until finally they pass. Meanwhile, the school is paying over and over to educate that individual. As the student would be finically unscaved, the college or university would be ones to pay the price! The financial cost of education encourages individuals to do their absolute best and study hard! It helps motivate students to pass their classes, as well as keeps them engaged in their education therefore it is important that college tuition stays the way it