The first reason why we should promote "Shut Down Your Screen Week?" is because electronics take away from family time. After years of research, scientists have concluded that humans have fewer close relationships than they did back in the 1980s. People are developing shallow relationships instead of deep and meaningful relationships. Furthermore, electronics allows us to be in our own little world rather than …show more content…
interacting with people. We learn when we interact with others; it is important that we don’t lose sight on this.
The second reason why we should promote "Shut Down Your Screen Week" is because people can become distracted from life when electronics is to prominent.
Scientists tested to see if electronics causes distraction and less concentration in students. The study started with schools reporting the test scores of 130000 students. Then, the school banned cell phones and waited to see the results. The study resulted in previously failing students performing 14% than before the ban began.
The Third reason why we should promote "Shut Down Your Screen Week" is because electronics dull the brain. Today, we rely on many computer programs to calculate for us and think for us. For instance, someone might use a GPS all day long instead of learning about their surroundings in their own neighborhood. Another example is relying on calculators to complete our math assignments. Sure they are convenient and make things go faster, but we aren’t exercising our brain cells. Scientists have proved that people who exercise their mind through learning have better brain power and
Electronic devices are fun and helpful in many ways. However, they bring many negatives as well. "Shut Down Your Screen Week" will most likely benefit many students because the distraction won’t be there, they will interact more with family members, and they won’t dull their minds. Not only will "Shut Down Your Screen Week" help students in these areas, but it most likely give them more time to be productive on other things they want to achieve, such as writing a book, painting, sports, etc. After "Shut Down Your Screen Week" Hopefully students learn to balance out electronics and life.