A human-animal hybrid embryo is an embryo made in purpose for experimentation, made from human DNA and animal eggs. Scientists have created them so in the future they can produce embryos that survive six or seven days in order to extract stem cells to be used in experiments to help find new treatments for conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
It may produce huge benefits for human beings in the future.
Blurs distinction between animals/human beings
It is a strictly limited procedure and independent life creatures will not be created, they are just cells not actual lives.
Repulsive thing and it is very unnatural.
Avoids use of human eggs in research.
It’s playing God and violates human dignity.
The contribution of the animal to the embryo is so small; it is basically a human embryo.
Human embryos have a moral status from the moment of fertilisation that should be respected so any research using human embryos is wrong.
It can’t be seen as a human embryo because not produced by human fertilisation
It’s wrong to create beings that will be disposed by scientists and the idea of being acceptable to create motherless beings to which open the way to the creation of beings that are therefore owned by whoever controls the medium in which the embryo develops. It is very similar to cell nuclear replacement research and if we accept research on human smbryos up to 14 days there is no reason to opposed research on an embryo that is wholly human.
Creating embryos is a step too far from human embryo research and is the start of a slippery slope that could lead to independent life of hybrid human/animal creatures being created.
Neither human or animal rights are violated since it does not become a human/animal
The research is of little scientific value and now new treatments have been produced yet by embryonic stem cell research
Its wrong to used animals in this sort of