(Theme1) Cultural reasons
Some Muslim women wear the burqa for cultural reasons out in public. It is a cultural tradition as well as a requirement for some Muslim women to wear a Burqa out in public. For a lot of Muslim women, their cultural identity is extremely important. Yet since September 11 as well as ongoing trouble in the Middle East, a lot of non-Muslims in our society are judged wrongly as well as being discriminated against any person who is Muslim, especially females who wear burqas.
As an Arab woman raised in the West, I fully understand the importance of keeping to cultural traditions and religious beliefs, but I have also learned the importance of assimilation. It is understandable that immigrants seek to preserve the old, but they must also embrace the new. And if the
References: Accessed May 20, 2011 Ban the Burqa? The Argument in Favour Accessed May 21, 2011 Norfolk, Virginia Accessed May 22, 2011 By: toriach Saturday April 16, 2011 1:37 am http://my.firedoglake.com/toriach/2011/04/16/the-one-about-a-follow-up-to-frances-law-banning-the-burqa-is-anti-woman/ Accessed May 22, 2011 http://www.nationalhumanservices.org/assets/documents/Conference%20Proceedings%202009.pdf#page=33 Accessed May 23, 2011 http://debatepedia.idebate.org/en/index.php/Debate:_Ban_on_Muslim_burqa_and_niqab Accessed May 23, 2011 Ban on burqa/niqab preserves identification for security Daniel Pipes Accessed May 23, 2011 France scolded by Turkey on burqa ban Critical race feminism lifts the veil?: Muslim Women, France, and the headscarf ban Professor Wing,A.K, Smith, M.N, Muslim Women, France, and the Headscarf Ban, University of California, Davies [Vol.39:743, 2006], p762-763,767 and 771-772