In many cases, shoulder impingement surgery may be the only way to eliminate the pain and other symptoms. Starting with an accurate diagnosis, a highly qualified orthopedic surgeon will approach each person’s shoulder impingement in an individualized manner. Consider these five aspects of shoulder impingement surgery.
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The inflammation limits the space under the acromion.
• Grade II has the bursa sac beginning to thicken and scarring will occur. The thick bursa sac will cause the limited space create more pain and limit movement.
• Grade III occurs when the rotator cuff tears or has degenerated.
3. Shoulder impingement surgery is done as an outpatient procedure. An overnight stay in the hospital is not required.
4. Shoulder impingement surgery is generally performed with one of two techniques to help create more space for the restore space for the rotator cuff to function properly.
• Arthroscopy technique is done by inserting surgical instruments through tiny incisions around the shoulder area. The orthopedic surgeon will use a scope to help perform the procedure to remove the bursa sac or repair the damaged area.
• Open surgery is performed by creating an incision along the front of the shoulder to allow the surgeon to view the damaged area. The open surgery option is usually performed on patients with severe damage or degeneration. 5. Shoulder impingement surgery requires a fair amount of recovery time to allow the newly attached tendons to heal properly to the