1. The subject of stylistics. Its definition, its connection with other branches of linguistics.
2. Expressive means and stylistic devices.
3. Meaning from stylistic point of view.
4. Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance).
5. Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices (euphony, rhyme, rhythm).
6. Graphical expressive means and stylistic devices (marks of punctuation, kinds of type).
7. Graphical expressive means and stylistic devices (graphon, its stylistic function).
8. Metaphor (trite, genuine, prolonged), personification.
9. Metonymy (trite, genuine), irony.
10. Epithets (semantic and structural classification).
11. Interjection of logical and emotive meanings (interjections and exclamatory words).
12. Stylistic devices based on polysemantic effect (zeugma, pun).
13. Oxymoron, antonomasia.
14. Intensification of a certain feature of phenomenon (simile, hyperbole, understatement).
15. Intensification of a certain feature of phenomenon (periphrasis, euphemism).
16. Proverbs and sayings.
17. Epigrams, paradox, allusion.
18. Spans of utterance larger than a sentence (supra-phrasal unit, paragraph).
19. Stylistic inversion, detachment.
20. Parallel constructions, chiasmus.
21. Repetition (all cases).
22. Enumeration, suspense.
23. Climax, anticlimax, antithesis.
24. Asyndeton, polysyndeton, the gap-sentence link.
25. Ellipsis, break-in-the narrative.
26. Peculiar use of colloquial constructions (uttered represented speech).
27. Peculiar use of colloquial constructions (unuttered represented speech).
28. Transferred use of structural meaning (rhetorical question, litotes).
29. The main peculiarities of belles-lettres style.
30. The main peculiarities of publicistic style.
31. The main peculiarities of newspaper style.
32. The main peculiarities of scientific and official