Insurance as an industry has secured a vital position in the development of the nation’s economy. An efficient insurance market is essential to achieve integration into the global economy and sustainable strong economic growth. In conjunction with the forces of global consolidation, current advances in information technology and the potential of e-business mark the beginning of a veritable efficiency revolution in the insurance industry. One of insurance's key roles is safeguarding the financial health of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to the protection provided by social security systems, insurance cover is crucial for people to insure themselves against inability to work, set aside money for retirement or protect themselves against the loss of their assets. Insurance reduces the investment risk faced by companies and the state. Many companies find it far more expensive, if not impossible, to take out a loan without purchasing the requisite insurance protection. Insured, thereby reduces the costs of raising the capital they need. By reducing investment risk, insurance can also encourage companies to think more long term and increase their risk tolerance. A lot of investments in new production facilities and newly founded companies would never happen if every company was required to have the necessary financial means to make good every conceivable loss. While arguable, it is no exaggeration that the availability of insurance is sometimes being heralded as a factor of production in itself. Hence Insurance has a huge potential to have a greater market share. All factors are in place for the Indian insurance industry to blossom into one of the fastest growing financial services markets in the world. The still nascent market is at an inflection point—rising incomes driven by economic growth are boosting demand, and increasingly sophisticated consumers
Insurance as an industry has secured a vital position in the development of the nation’s economy. An efficient insurance market is essential to achieve integration into the global economy and sustainable strong economic growth. In conjunction with the forces of global consolidation, current advances in information technology and the potential of e-business mark the beginning of a veritable efficiency revolution in the insurance industry. One of insurance's key roles is safeguarding the financial health of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to the protection provided by social security systems, insurance cover is crucial for people to insure themselves against inability to work, set aside money for retirement or protect themselves against the loss of their assets. Insurance reduces the investment risk faced by companies and the state. Many companies find it far more expensive, if not impossible, to take out a loan without purchasing the requisite insurance protection. Insured, thereby reduces the costs of raising the capital they need. By reducing investment risk, insurance can also encourage companies to think more long term and increase their risk tolerance. A lot of investments in new production facilities and newly founded companies would never happen if every company was required to have the necessary financial means to make good every conceivable loss. While arguable, it is no exaggeration that the availability of insurance is sometimes being heralded as a factor of production in itself. Hence Insurance has a huge potential to have a greater market share. All factors are in place for the Indian insurance industry to blossom into one of the fastest growing financial services markets in the world. The still nascent market is at an inflection point—rising incomes driven by economic growth are boosting demand, and increasingly sophisticated consumers