It is a form of energy which is obtained from the heat generated by the natural processes occurring within the earth. This heat energy trapped under the earth is known to be Geo Thermal energy.Hot springs and mud pots are the natural phenomena that results the geothermal activity.
There are three ways in which geothermal energy can be extracted and use : 1) Direct Geothermal energy: In Direct geothermal energy hot water from the earth underground is used to heat homes and buildings. In this process the geo thermal water is pumped from the earth and is passed through through a heat exchanger which transfers the heat from the water into the building heating system. The used water is injected back down a well into the reservoir so the process can repeated.
2) Geothermal heat pump: The geo thermal heat pumps are used to circulate the fluid through the series of the pipes in the form of loop which are running under the earth and the building. The temperature under the ground is around 10- 15 degree Celsius all around the year. The electric compressor and the heat exchanger pulls the heat from the fluid running in the pipes and send via the ducts system in the buildings in the winters . In the summers this process is reversed . The heat from the buildings is carried away to the ground or water outside where it can be absorbed.
3) Geo thermal Power Plant:
Earth core heat s the water Steam Drive turbines Drives Electric Generators
Producing the Electricity.
Hot water and steam from deep underground can be piped up through underground wells and used to generate electricity in a power plant.
Three different types of geothermal power plants exist:
Dry steam plants. : The hot steam is extracted directly from the geothermal reservoirs wells and and this steam force spins the turbine blades which spins the generator resulting in producing electricity.