Volume 15, No. 2, August 2012, pages 171 – 186
Hening Widi Oetomo Lilis Ardini
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya E-mail: oetomo_hening@stiesiaedu.com Menur Pumpungan Street No. 30, Surabaya 60118, East Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT Gate automation (entrance automation) is a strategic plan that will be implemented at Purabaya Bus Station Surabaya. An automation technique with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a method that can be used to store or receive data remotely using RFID tags or transponders. The purpose of this study was to determine the quadrant position in the SWOT diagram of the gate automation plan and determine the most appropriate strategy in accordance with the position of the quadrant on the SWOT diagram. Respondents who were used to measure strengths and weaknesses included fifty employees of the Purabaya Bus Station Surabaya, while to measure opportunities and threats were fifty drivers and automotive businessmen who currently use the bus station. Data were analyzed using SWOT in which the scores of internal factor (Internal Factor Analysis Summary-IFAS) and external factor (External Factor Analysis Summary-EFAS) were calculated. The results showed that score of internal factor and external factor were greater than 2. Hence, the position of SWOT for the gate automation was located in quadrant 1, suggesting that a company has strength to take an advantage of the existing opportunities. Key words: Gate automation, RFID, strategic planning, SWOT quadrant.
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