Shutter Island, produced in 2010 and directed by Martin Scorsese, is a psychological thriller film that portrays psychological treatments in the 1950’s. Martin Scorsese’s alteration of the Dennis Lehane novel, Shutter Island, is in fact a horror movie, but it will not come across as your average present-day horror film. Typically directors take ghosts, monsters, vampires, or possessed people and develop a film to scare its viewers, and it more than likely always does. The average horror film filled with a group of “hills have eyes looking” creatures is always scary, but there’s a sense of comfort knowing that it’s just a movie. We thrive off of being scared and the idea of watching these movies knowing they …show more content…
She told me to let her go.” Dr. Cawley proceeds to ask Andrew who Teddy Daniels is and why he Teddy up along with Rachel Solando, Laeddis responds, “He doesn’t exist. Neither does Rachel Solando. I made them up. I can’t take knowing that Dolores killed our children. I mean... I killed them because I didn’t... I didn’t get her help. You know. I killed …show more content…
Cawley realizes that Andrew is still living in his fantasy world and brings Andrew to be lobotomized. In the 1950s, lobotomies were practiced as a way to "tame" or "relax" extremely violent or problematic patients. Nowadays, lobotomies are rarely practiced due to the large amount of deaths resulted from the surgery. The portrayal of psychological treatment in the 1950’s usually leaves viewers feeling cautioned about the dangers in todays modern psychology. Dealing with the Holocaust and WWII forces people to think about this real life tragedy that could have easily happen to anyone of them. The flashbacks that occur throughout the film represent Teddy’s memories from being in World War II at the liberation of Dachau and all the horrible images he saw there that forever changed who he is. Similar to the horrific nightmares Teddy has from his memories of the Holocaust, Dennis Lehane (original author of the story Shutter Island) had dreamt up the plot in the midst of another tragedy known as 9/11. The movie was produced in 2010, during the post-traumatic years of September 11th in 2001. Shutter Island was influenced to be set in the 1950’s Cold-War period after Lehanes experience with 9/11. The movie focuses on the fear of going through a traumatic time and having to face the reality rather than to hide from it. Shutter Island is not just a movie that has an “unexpected twist,” but is more a movie focused on the psychological treatment used in the 1950’s