Siberian tigers are the heaviest and largest among the tiger subspecies. Full-grown males often reach a body length of up to 6 ft and weigh up to 700 lbs. Females are normally smaller than males and are up to 5 ft in length and weigh up to 600 lbs. Boths males and females stand up to about 4 ft. in height. Apart from its size, Siberians are distinguished form other tiger species by its fur, which is more grown and developed as an adaptation to its harsh environment. During cold winter seasons, the tigers’ fur can grow up to 21 in. long around the body. Its paws have extra fur to provide protection and insulation against the snow and cold ground. Another feature it holds is its unusually whiter area on the ruff of their neck and fac than other tigers, and it also has a gold-colored coat unlike the typical orange of other tigers. These tigers also have smaller amount of stripes which appear more brown than black unlike other tigers. They also have long legs and feet, equipped with sharp, retractable claws.
In the early 1900’s, it lived throughout North China, Mongolia, and Southeastern Russia. Today, the majority of the population is confined to Amur, a small Russian region.The tigers can be found in uninhabited mountain forests of the Amur Basin to Siberia. They live primarily in coniferous areas with scrub oak and birch woodlands. The Siberians can live in a variety of habitats. They do not need adequate cover to be able to hunt, and are