Davies, Betty. "Sibling Grief Throughout Childhood." The Forum (2006): Pgs. 4-5.
Godfrey, Rayna Vaught. "Losing a Sibling in Adulthood." The Forum (2006): Pg. 1.
Hogan, Nancy. "Understanding Adolescent Sibling Bereavement." The Forum (2006): Pg. 5.
Linn-Gust, Michelle. "Mode of Death and the Effects on Sibling Grief." The Forum (2006): Pg. 1.
White, Gill. "Sibling Grief." 11 November 2006.
Bibliography: Davies, Betty. "Sibling Grief Throughout Childhood." The Forum (2006): Pgs. 4-5. Godfrey, Rayna Vaught. "Losing a Sibling in Adulthood." The Forum (2006): Pg. 1. Hogan, Nancy. "Understanding Adolescent Sibling Bereavement." The Forum (2006): Pg. 5. Linn-Gust, Michelle. "Mode of Death and the Effects on Sibling Grief." The Forum (2006): Pg. 1. White, Gill. "Sibling Grief." 11 November 2006.
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