Each individual had two samples: one with a restriction enzyme added, and one without (controls) and a marker DNA was split at specific intervals to measure the others. The restriction enzyme used is BSU36I. It targets a specific sequence of DNA and cuts it at a specific point if the proper sequence is identified. In this case, the BSU36I cuts the DNA if it finds the sequence, “C C T N (any base) A G G.” The enzyme would cut in between “C” and “T”. The mutation in sickle cell anemia causes the A to change change to a T. Instead of splitting the DNA into two strands (200 and 331 base pairs long), the restriction enzyme will pass over it, leaving it at a longer 531 base pairs. A buffer was added to all of the samples to balance the pH, and BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) was added to keep the sample from adhering to the sides. Ethidium Bromide was added to make it glow under UV light. The samples were placed in their own, separate chambers at one end of the agarose gel,
Each individual had two samples: one with a restriction enzyme added, and one without (controls) and a marker DNA was split at specific intervals to measure the others. The restriction enzyme used is BSU36I. It targets a specific sequence of DNA and cuts it at a specific point if the proper sequence is identified. In this case, the BSU36I cuts the DNA if it finds the sequence, “C C T N (any base) A G G.” The enzyme would cut in between “C” and “T”. The mutation in sickle cell anemia causes the A to change change to a T. Instead of splitting the DNA into two strands (200 and 331 base pairs long), the restriction enzyme will pass over it, leaving it at a longer 531 base pairs. A buffer was added to all of the samples to balance the pH, and BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) was added to keep the sample from adhering to the sides. Ethidium Bromide was added to make it glow under UV light. The samples were placed in their own, separate chambers at one end of the agarose gel,