
Siddhartha Gautama Religion

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Siddhartha Gautama who was born in Nepal was later known as Buddha and started the religion of Buddhism. It is believed by scholars that Siddhartha Gautama is a real person but the one thing that they do not believe is about his life. Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal around 300 and 500 B.C. which is about 2,300 to 2,500 years ago. Siddhartha Gautama name mean enlightened one or the awakened.

Siddhartha Gautama father was king and his mother had died after she had given birth to him. A holy man had predicted that Siddhartha Gautama would become a great king, a military leader or a religious leader, although his dad wanted him to know nothing about religious and human hardship. Siddhartha Gautama was raised in a palace that was built just
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He believes that people should not have too much or too little and should not go to extremes. Siddhartha called this the Middle Way but his followers did not agree with him and his belief. Once he received the answer to his question after sitting under the Bodhi tree, at that time he became Buddha.

On his 1st trip he says an old man, on the 2nd trip he saw a sick man, on the 3rd trip he saw a dead body of corp, and on a 4th trip, he saw a happy man begging for change. He now sees that everybody gets old and sick in dies but some people are still happy with knowing this thing will happen. He then leaves home because he wanted answers about how you can be happy when there are misery and sickness. This is the heart of buddha's teaching of the enlightened.

The four noble truths of buddha are 1)life is suffering, Dukkha, 2) Samudaya, suffering come from you wanting stuff,3) Nirodha, stopping the Dukkha, keep calm and reach Nirvana, 4) Magga, there is a pathway, the eightfold path or the middle way. Buddha believed in reincarnation. The eightfold path or the middle way is Right understanding, Right thought, Right speech, Right Action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, and Right

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