Whether it’s advocating a diverse number of Acts, promoting responsible treatment of the environment, or just spreading awareness of humanity’s negative effects on the earth, it is clear that the organization has gained some serious influence and accomplishments. “The Sierra Club positioned to fight back with a grassroots operation that draws on the resources and members of the largest, most influential environmental organization in the country” (Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia 2016). This influence can be seen within the various Acts that The Sierra Club managed to help get approved. Acts such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act, were only able to become successful due to the efforts of The Sierra Club. This sort of Bio-politics is at the heart of the organization, as they aim to manage human life processes under the guise of environmental protection. As such, protecting the environment is in turn, protecting the population. “One answer can be found in Foucault's analysis of race as a particular concern of bio-politic. Bio-politics itself is a manifestation of particular forms of state power focused on the preservation of the life of the populace through the surveillance, management, regulation and control of the population at the level of the body” (Sasser 2014,1245). These bio-politics allows an agreement within a majority of a population in which to enact such changes about environmental policy. The accomplishments of The Sierra Club are not to be taken lightly, as without the organization, much of the changes seen to better the environment and preserve it would most likely not exist today. The Sierra Club’s stances on these environmental policies are usually advocating change in some way or another in order to protect the ecosystem. These stances of change are what demonstrates the liberal
Whether it’s advocating a diverse number of Acts, promoting responsible treatment of the environment, or just spreading awareness of humanity’s negative effects on the earth, it is clear that the organization has gained some serious influence and accomplishments. “The Sierra Club positioned to fight back with a grassroots operation that draws on the resources and members of the largest, most influential environmental organization in the country” (Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia 2016). This influence can be seen within the various Acts that The Sierra Club managed to help get approved. Acts such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act, were only able to become successful due to the efforts of The Sierra Club. This sort of Bio-politics is at the heart of the organization, as they aim to manage human life processes under the guise of environmental protection. As such, protecting the environment is in turn, protecting the population. “One answer can be found in Foucault's analysis of race as a particular concern of bio-politic. Bio-politics itself is a manifestation of particular forms of state power focused on the preservation of the life of the populace through the surveillance, management, regulation and control of the population at the level of the body” (Sasser 2014,1245). These bio-politics allows an agreement within a majority of a population in which to enact such changes about environmental policy. The accomplishments of The Sierra Club are not to be taken lightly, as without the organization, much of the changes seen to better the environment and preserve it would most likely not exist today. The Sierra Club’s stances on these environmental policies are usually advocating change in some way or another in order to protect the ecosystem. These stances of change are what demonstrates the liberal