In the society, conflict normally happens in between the same group or population of human being due to the close
In the society, conflict normally happens in between the same group or population of human being due to the close
In addition, according to Befiore (1950), aggression was best explained by the psychoanalytic by Sigmund Freud. In the 1950’s, aggression was believed to be a drive, due to the popularity of Clark Hull’s theory that explained behaviors in terms of needs and drives (Eron, 1987). By the early 1970’s aggression was considered as a behavior that could be explained by behaviorist principles, such as positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. This reflects the popularity of B.F Skinner and his behaviorism at this time (Eron, 1987). However by the late 1970’s, the Social Learning Theory, developed by Albert Bandura gained popularity and it was believed that aggression is learned by modeling (Eron). Since the 1980s, the theories that have…
Psychoanalysis theory first came to be around the late 1800’s, discovered by the renowned theorist Sigmund Freud, also known as the father of the theory. Freud was born in Moravia in 1856; he studied under Charcot in Paris for a while, eventually starting a private practice in Vienna, being forced to leave by the Nazis, because he was Jewish. His concept developed from people who were considered to be hysteric, being burnt and ridiculed, because they were seen as lazy and deviant. Later on in the 19th century, theorists began to grasp an understanding of the mental illness and termed it as neuropathology, which evolved into Psychoanalysis. This theory sought to treat mental disorders by investigating interactions amongst the conscious and…
Aggression is the feeling of anger and hatred that may result in threatening or violent behavior. It is also a physical or emotional expression of the feelings of dissatisfaction arising out of the comparison between what people presently have and what they believe they should have, what they ought to have or what they believe is ideal. The theories of aggression assert that aggression is the inevitable result of frustration or conflict, they affirm that aggression results out of an innate instinct flowing towards destructive tendencies and maintain that aggression arises out of social dysfunction. According to Dollard (1939) the frustration-aggression theory of aggression asserts that aggression is always an inevitable result of frustration.…
S. Freud’s The Future Illusion and P. Tillich’s Religion as a Dimension in Man’s Spiritual Life carry on about an important question of what religion really is, what is its meaning in a cultural, psychological and scientific aspect and how it relates to a society and an individual. In this paper I will try to prove through an analysis and comparison of both texts that although their approach to the subject is different they both regard religion as an important aspect of human life. Freud in Illusion touches on things that to some may be an unquestionable truths; a meaning of life, a reason to be a good citizen - a good human being. Freud strips religion of its “holiness” but not of its power over a culture and a human life. He argues that religion in its essence is nothing more than an illusion - a wishful thinking based on a subconscious hope for a reward (the afterlife). According to Freud, religion is an aspect of culture - civilization, defending us against nature and each other. Civilization is a necessity that was socially constructed in order to explain and control the unknown and scary forces of the world but more importantly to cage our primal desires of: incest, murder, cannibalism which lay deeply in our unconscious. Therefore, to save humanity civilization created laws. At first the forces of nature were given human characteristics to make the assimilation easier and simpler to comprehend. The so called totemism was clear and understandable serving a purpose of control and protection from the environment and ourselves. But who would obey the laws if there was no fear of punishment for doing wrong and a reward for doing good. That is when religion came in handy.…
Sigmund Freud is one of the most famous name in psychology.Many expressions of our daily life come from Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis: unconscious, denial and control. Freud believes that there are three level of consciousness: unconscious which exists outside of your awareness, next is pre conscious one which includes all information that you are not currently aware of it, finally the conscious one which is your current state of awareness. He believed that events in our childhood can have a remarkable influence on our behaviour as adult. He believed that, our behaviour is affected by our childhood experiences. It means that psychodynamic is about two major aspects: subconscious and our past. It can be seen that past…
The instinct theory of aggression states that aggression is natural and involves innate tendencies that are stable and enduring, meaning they are difficult to modify. It proposes the idea that aggression is a result of survival instinct to protect or survive. Aggression is said to occur in high arousal situations where stressful cues act as triggers for that aggression, often caused by others as a result of retaliation. However, not all people show aggression as a result of high arousal or stressful cues, so this theory lacks some validity when explaining aggression. Also, aggression is shown by different…
What are four theories of aggression? Describe the major contentions of each. Which have the strongest support and why? The four theories are the instinct, frustration-aggression, social learning and revised frustration-aggression theories. People have an instinct to be aggressive, which builds up until it must be expressed. Aggression is the direct result of a frustration that occurs because of goal blockage or failure. Aggression is learned through observing others (modeling) and then having similar behavior reinforced. Combines elements of frustration–aggression theory with social learning theory. Frustration does not always lead to aggression. It increases the likelihood of aggression by increasing arousal, anger, and other thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Increased arousal and anger result in aggression only when socially learned cues signal the appropriateness of aggression in the…
There are two social psychological approaches to aggression. These are social learning theory (SLT) and deindividuation theory (DT). Both these theories stress that aggression is a learnt process, they believe that aggression is due to our nurture and not in our nature. They dispute the biological approach to aggression.…
In the social learning theory (SLT) of aggression, Bandura (1962) suggested that the expression of aggression is learnt through social learning not ignoring the fact that the potential for the human aggression was biological. Bandura claimed that we learn specific aggressive behaviours for example, the form in which the aggression takes and how it is addressed to the target. Skinner, 1953 suggested that a child learns the aggressive behaviour through direct reinforcement while Bandura argues that a child learns by observing role models indirectly. Moreover, the SLT can be used to explain other behaviours such as eating disorders, personality etc. Research carried out by Phillip (1986) suggested the daily homicide rate…
They based their studies on prison populations. This is also a form of the drive theory and attributes aggression to an impulse created by an inner need whereby frustration causes aggression and this forms a cycle where continued aggression leads to more frustration and then further aggression and onwards Bandura, 1978). In other words, there is need to expel or “catharsis” the frustrations from time to time or this manifest as bursts of aggression. Frustration results from the gap between expectations and achievements (Bandura, 1978). Other researchers have subsequently determined that apart from frustration, other causes exist for aggression. This theory has since been modified to include these factors including tension. In the modified frustration-aggression theory frustration only heightens the susceptibility to aggression (Coakley, 2014, Cox 2007). The frustrated person cannot postpone the urge to aggress or more frustration builds up. This theory does explain the spectrum of aggression seen as the response can vary from assertiveness for less frustration to instrumental aggression and even intention to harm someone or hostile aggression. However, research shows that the mere presence of frustration does not seem to suggest…
The Psychodynamic Theory, or psychoanalytic as it is also referred to, stresses the influence of unconscious forces on human behavior. It is the systematized study and theory of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation (Gallop & Reynolds 2004). Its roots focus on the roles of unconscious sexual and aggressive impulses as a motive for choice and self-direction. The theory presents itself as our way of trying to balance our feelings, the unconscious being the reason why aggressive impulses are common reactions to the frustrations of daily life and that we seek to vent these impulses on other people. But because we fear rejection and retaliation, we put most aggressive impulses out of our minds, but by holding aggression in, we set the stage for future explosions (Gottlieb 2002).…
Freud had invited Adler and other physicians to meet with him to discuss his theories. This began the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. Adler was asked to present three papers to the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society which pointed out the differences between Freud and his own theories. The differences were so great Adler resigned from the society and broke all ties with Freud. The purpose of this paper is to describe the differences between Freud and Adler.…
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a new revolutionary way of understanding the mind had a great impact, not only in the science of psychology, but in all Western culture and in most of the aspects of society. Psychoanalysis adopted an important role, which still remains in our modern life, and Sigmund Freud was the responsible for it. Nevertheless, during this time, Carl Gustav Jung developed an important theory, making an immense contribution to psychology. Jung didn’t just criticize psychoanalysis in order to improve it but he also provided different perspectives and new ideas with the aim of trying to understand in a more complete sense the human being, its abysmal inside world and its relations with the outside world. Jung established the pillars of the school of “Analytical Psychology”. In the following paragraphs different aspects of the theories of these two important figures in the history of psychology will be revised and contrasted. Finally, the main weakness of Freud’s and Jung’s ideas will be presented in order to explain why it is complicated to consider their work and theories as science in its proper sense.…
Instinct Theory (Freud) suggests that behaviour is predictable, genetically inherited and it is the Trait view of behaviour. According to this theory, we can tell which players and when they will perform aggressive acts. This says that everyone has aggression within them, it is just a continual build-up of energy that needs to be released through catharsis, for example, small lashes out at an opposition to release pressure (Lorenz). However this theory completely disregards an environmental stimulus that we know exists.…
Sigmund Freud was a major influence in the study of modern psychology and behavior in the twentieth century. Originally wanting to become a scientist, he was inspired by hypnotherapy to solve the unconscious causes of mental illnesses by studying psychoanalysis, the structure of the mind, psychosexual states, and dream interpretations. Freud’s work allowed psychologists to go into more depth of the reasoning behind mental illnesses and physiological symptoms.…