The most noticeable part of our psychological life is our personality. When we speak of personality, it involves a person’s character, behaviour, attitudes, qualities, and traits of an individual. It is, in fact one of the basic foundation of the study of psychology. Many psychologist coined in different theories of Personality and one such person is Sigmund Freud, who coined “Psychoanalytical Theory.” He is considered the Father of Psychoanalysis and is noted for establishing the field of verbal psychotherapy. Originally trained as a neurologist, Freud is best known for his theories about the unconscious mind, dreams, infantile sexuality, libido, repression, and transference all of which continue to influence the field of psychology. Freud's account of the mind's structure ( id, ego, and super ego) led to a new understanding of human psychological development and the treatment of psychological disturbance. In this paper we will be studying the four main central part of Freud topics namely; levels on consciousness, the structure of personality, defense mechanisms and psychosexual stages of development in detail.
Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1885 in the town of Freiburg, Moravia of Jewish parents. His father was wool merchant and his mother was the second wife and 20 years younger slender and attractive. Sigmund Freud was her first son so she was very protective and loving towards him. He felt passionate and sexual attachment toward her which later on set the stage for the development of the “Oedipus stage.” As a young boy Freud excelled in studies was highly ambitious. He received medical degree in the year 1883 and entered into private practice but he wanted to pursue his career in scientific research and so he came under the influence of eminent psychologist Ernst Brucke and worked as an assistant in neurological problems in lower animals. Later he joined French neurologist Jean Charcot a pioneer in the